Review of the activities and organization of the Secretariat : report of the Committee of Experts appointed under General Assembly resolution 1446 (XIV)
TitleReview of the activities and organization of the Secretariat : report of the Committee of Experts appointed under General Assembly resolution 1446 (XIV)
Date[New York] : UN, 14 June 1961
[132 p., including annexes]
Annexes: 1. The organization of the Secretariat at the Under-Secretary level : report by the three past Presidents of the General Assembly -- 2. Staff, as at 1 April 1951, in Professional or higher level posts subject to geographical distribution and including staff in the G-5 level at Headquarters - 3. Posts at the Under-Secretary and D-2 levels as at 1 April 1961 -- 4. Under-Secretaries and officials of equivalent rank and Directors (D-2) as at 1 April 1961 -- 5. Effect of new formula on staff at levels G-5 to D-1 as at 1 April 1961 -- 6. Forecast plan submitted on 14 February 1961 by the Director of Personnel -- 7. Relationship of expenses for economic and social activities to total United Nations expenses -- 8. Administrative and basic programme expenditure under the regular budget of the United Nations -- 9. United Nations library service.
CollectionsUN Bodies > General Assembly > General Assembly Plenary
Resource Type > Documents and Publications > Reports
Resource Type > Documents and Publications > Reports