Proposals for amendments to Annexes A and B of ADR : guidelines for the calculation of risks in the transport of dangerous goods / transmitted by the Government of Germany
TitleProposals for amendments to Annexes A and B of ADR : guidelines for the calculation of risks in the transport of dangerous goods / transmitted by the Government of Germany
Other titles
Transmits: General guideline for the calculation of risks in the transport of dangerous goods by road : an introduction to the basic principles of risk assessment for chapter 1.9 ADR
AccessEnglish: ^E_^ECE_TRANS_WP.15_2008_6-EN - PDF ; Français: ^E_^ECE_TRANS_WP.15_2008_6-FR - PDF ; Русский: ^E_^ECE_TRANS_WP.15_2008_6-RU - PDF ;
DateGeneva : UN, 14 Feb. 2008
21 p. : charts, graphs, table
Includes bibliographical references (p. 21-22).
Transmits proposed text for Guideline to be adopted and published by the UNECE Secretariat on the UNECE website.
Transmits proposed text for Guideline to be adopted and published by the UNECE Secretariat on the UNECE website.