Proposal for draft amendments to Regulation no. 48, Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices / submitted by the experts from the Working Party "Brussels 1952" (GTB) and the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA)
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Условное обозначение[E/]ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2006/56
ЗаглавиеProposal for draft amendments to Regulation no. 48, Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices / submitted by the experts from the Working Party "Brussels 1952" (GTB) and the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA)
ДоступEnglish: [E_]ECE_TRANS_WP.29_GRE_2006_56-EN - PDF ; Français: [E_]ECE_TRANS_WP.29_GRE_2006_56-FR - PDF ;
Proposes to insert into the Regulation provisions regarding direction indicator tell-tale activation.
ДатаGeneva : UN, 21 July 2006
2 p.
Consolidates and supersedes document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2006/27.
English and French only.
English and French only.