Summary of proposed changes to the draft programme of work, 2004-2007 : Economic Commission for Europe, Committee for Trade, Industry and Enterprise Development
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TítuloSummary of proposed changes to the draft programme of work, 2004-2007 : Economic Commission for Europe, Committee for Trade, Industry and Enterprise Development
AccesoEnglish: [E_ECE_]TRADE_2005_20-EN - PDF ; Français: [E_ECE_]TRADE_2005_20-FR - PDF ; Русский: [E_ECE_]TRADE_2005_20-RU - PDF ;
Contains a list of proposed additions and deletions to the programme of work with reasons as to why these proposals are being made.
Información del programa[E/]ECE/TRADE/359 5.9 Future directions : final discussion and approval of changes to the programme of work (2005-2007).
FechaGeneva : UN, 14 Mar. 2005
7 p. : tables
"Document for approval".
Submitted by the Bureau of the Committee.
Submitted by the Bureau of the Committee.