We the peoples :#the role of the United Nations in the 21st century : report of the Secretary-General
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Условное обозначениеA/54/2000
ЗаглавиеWe the peoples :#the role of the United Nations in the 21st century : report of the Secretary-General
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Report entitled "We the peoples : the role of the UN in the 21st century" / Secretary-General
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Identifies some of the challenges faced by the world's people that fall within the ambit of UN. Proposes priorities embodying values which reflect the spirit of the UN Charter and recommends several immediate steps for consideration by the Millennium Summit.
АвторыUN. Secretary-General
Повестка дня
A/54/251 49b Millennium Assembly of the United Nations. UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (55TH SESS. : 2000-2001)
Дата[New York] : UN, 27 Mar. 2000
57 p. : charts, graphs