Resolution 668 (1990) / adopted by the Security Council at its 2941st meeting, on 20 September 1990.
TitleResolution 668 (1990) / adopted by the Security Council at its 2941st meeting, on 20 September 1990.
Other titles
Security Council resolution 668 (1990) [endorsing the Framework for a comprehensive political settlement of the Cambodia conflict]
AccessEnglish: S_RES_668(1990)-EN - PDF ; Español: S_RES_668(1990)-ES - PDF ; Français: S_RES_668(1990)-FR - PDF ; Русский: S_RES_668(1990)-RU - PDF ; العربية: S_RES_668(1990)-AR - PDF ; 中文: S_RES_668(1990)-ZH - PDF ;
Endorses the framework for a comprehensive political settlement of the Cambodia conflict and encourages the continuing efforts of China, France, the USSR, the United Kingdom and the United States in this regard; notes that the Supreme National Council will therefore represent Cambodia externally and it is to designate its representatives to occupy the seat of Cambodia at the UN, in the UN specialized agencies and in other international institutions and international conferences; calls upon the Co-Chairmen of the Paris International Conference on Cambodia to intensify their consultations with a view to reconvening the conference, whose task will be to elaborate and adopt the comprehensive political settlement and to draw up a detailed plan of implementation in accord with this framework; encourages the Secretary-General to continue, within the context of preparations for reconvening the Paris International Conference on Cambodia and on the basis of the present resolution, preparatory studies to assess the resource implications, timing and other considerations relevant to the UN role.
Call number
Action note1990-09-20
Vote summary
Adopted unanimously, 2941st meeting
Meeting record
Agenda information
Date[New York] : UN, 20 Sept. 1990.
2 p.
Endorses the Framework for a comprehensive political settlement of the Cambodia conflict.
In: Resolutions and decisions of the Security Council, 1990. - S/INF/46. - 1991. - p. 28-29. - (SCOR, 45th year).
In: Resolutions and decisions of the Security Council, 1990. - S/INF/46. - 1991. - p. 28-29. - (SCOR, 45th year).