Prevention of urban crime.
تفصيلات التسجيلة (السجل)
رمز / رقم الاستدعاءE/AC.57/DEC/11/102
العنوانPrevention of urban crime.
Adopted at its 11th meeting, 16 Feb. 1990.
In: Report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its 11th session, 5-16 February 1990. - E/1990/31-E/AC.57/1990/8. - 10 Apr. 1990. - p. 25-30. - Issued in ESCOR, 1990, Suppl. no. 10.
In: Report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its 11th session, 5-16 February 1990. - E/1990/31-E/AC.57/1990/8. - 10 Apr. 1990. - p. 25-30. - Issued in ESCOR, 1990, Suppl. no. 10.