Provisional verbatim record of the 1st meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Monday, 23 April 1990 : General Assembly, 18th special session
TitleProvisional verbatim record of the 1st meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Monday, 23 April 1990 : General Assembly, 18th special session
Action note1990-04-23
Agenda information
A/S-18/9 10 Admission of new Members to the United Nations.
A/S-18/9 7 Adoption of the agenda.
A/S-18/9 1 Opening of the session by the Chairman of the delegation of Nigeria.
A/S-18/9 2 Minute of silent prayer or meditation.
A/S-18/9 [12]
A/S-18/9 3a Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee.
A/S-18/9 4 Election of the President.
A/S-18/9 6 Organization of the session.
A/S-18/9 5 Report of the Preparatory Committee for the Eighteenth Special Session.
A/S-18/9 [13]
A/S-18/9 8 General debate.
A/S-18/9 7 Adoption of the agenda.
A/S-18/9 1 Opening of the session by the Chairman of the delegation of Nigeria.
A/S-18/9 2 Minute of silent prayer or meditation.
A/S-18/9 [12]
A/S-18/9 3a Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee.
A/S-18/9 4 Election of the President.
A/S-18/9 6 Organization of the session.
A/S-18/9 5 Report of the Preparatory Committee for the Eighteenth Special Session.
A/S-18/9 [13]
A/S-18/9 8 General debate.
Date[New York] : UN, 26 Apr. 1990
97 p.