The challenge for Asian metropolises towards the 21st century : report and summary of proceedings of the UNCRD/UNCHS(HABITAT)/ICU/APIC International Seminar/Symposium.
TitleThe challenge for Asian metropolises towards the 21st century : report and summary of proceedings of the UNCRD/UNCHS(HABITAT)/ICU/APIC International Seminar/Symposium.
Call number
Meeting name
Senior-Level Symposium on Habitat in Asian Metropolises : Role of Science and Technology for Human Settlements towards the 21st Century (1985 : Tsukuba, Japan) 124475
International Seminar on Planning and Management of Asian Metropolises : Focus on Development and Conservation of the Inner City Areas (1985 : Mitaka and Tokyo, Japan) 124476
International Seminar on Planning and Management of Asian Metropolises : Focus on Development and Conservation of the Inner City Areas (1985 : Mitaka and Tokyo, Japan) 124476
DateNagoya, Japan : UN Centre for Regional Development ; Nairobi : UN Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) ; Tokyo : International Christian University : Association for Promotion of International Cooperation, Nov. 1986.
123 p. : ill.
On t.p. : International Seminar on Planning and Management of Asian Metropolises : Focus on Development and Conservation in the Inner City Areas, 26-29 August 1985, Tokyo [and] International Senior-Level Symposium on HABITAT in Asian Metropolises : Role of Science and Technology for Human Settlements towards the 21st Century, 30 August (HABITAT DAY), Tsukuba EXPO '85.
Seminar and Symposium are known jointly as The International Symposium/Seminar on the Challenge for Asian Metropolises : towards the 21st Century.
Seminar and Symposium are known jointly as The International Symposium/Seminar on the Challenge for Asian Metropolises : towards the 21st Century.