General Assembly, 6th Session, official records, 3rd Committee, 411th meeting, Wednesday, 30 January 1952, Palais de Chaillot, Paris
Notice détaillée
TitreGeneral Assembly, 6th Session, official records, 3rd Committee, 411th meeting, Wednesday, 30 January 1952, Palais de Chaillot, Paris
Notes sur l'événement1952-01-30
Date[New York] : UN, 30 Jan. 1952
5 p.
Programme of work of the Committee.
Agenda item 29: Draft international covenant on human rights and measures of implementation (A/1883, A/1884 (chapter V, section I), E/1992, E/2057 and Add.1 to 5, E/2059 and Add.1 to 8, E/2085 and Add.1, A/C.3/559, A/C.3/L.88, A/C.3/L.197).
Agenda item 11: Report of the Economic and Social Council (chapter V) (A/1884, A/C.3/L.197, A/C.3/L.234/Rev.1).
Agenda item 29: Draft international covenant on human rights and measures of implementation (A/1883, A/1884 (chapter V, section I), E/1992, E/2057 and Add.1 to 5, E/2059 and Add.1 to 8, E/2085 and Add.1, A/C.3/559, A/C.3/L.88, A/C.3/L.197).
Agenda item 11: Report of the Economic and Social Council (chapter V) (A/1884, A/C.3/L.197, A/C.3/L.234/Rev.1).