General Assembly, 23rd Session, Official Records, 2nd Committee, 1192nd Meeting, Tuesday, 15 Oct. 1968, New York
Полное описание
Условное обозначениеA/C.2/SR.1192
ЗаглавиеGeneral Assembly, 23rd Session, Official Records, 2nd Committee, 1192nd Meeting, Tuesday, 15 Oct. 1968, New York
Примечание о мероприятии1968-10-15
Дата[New York] : UN, Mar. 1970
5 p.
Agenda item 40: Conversion to peaceful needs of the resources released by disarmament : report of the Secretary-General.
Agenda item 41: Resources of the sea : report of the Secretary-General.
Agenda item 41: Resources of the sea : report of the Secretary-General.