General Assembly, 17th Session, Official Records, 2nd Committee, 849th Meeting, Thursday, 22 Nov. 1962, New York
TitleGeneral Assembly, 17th Session, Official Records, 2nd Committee, 849th Meeting, Thursday, 22 Nov. 1962, New York
AccessEnglish: A_C-2_SR-849-EN - PDF ; Español: A_C-2_SR-849-ES - PDF ; Français: A_C-2_SR-849-FR - PDF ;
Action note1962-11-22
Date[New York] : UN, Feb. 1963
5 p.
Agenda items 33 and 94: Economic and social consequences of disarmament : report of the Secretary-General transmitting the study of the group of expert consultants appointed under General Assembly resolution 1516 (XV) (A/5199; A/5203, chap. II; A/C.2/L.647 and Add.1; E/3593/Rev.1, E/3593/Add.1-5) : Economic programme for disarmament.
Organization of the Committee's work.
Agenda item 37: International measures to assist in offsetting fluctuations in commodity prices (A/5221, A/C.2/L.652/Rev.l, E/ 3447, E/3644, E/CN.13/ 43, E/CN.13/45) : Consideration of the joint draft resolution.
Organization of the Committee's work.
Agenda item 37: International measures to assist in offsetting fluctuations in commodity prices (A/5221, A/C.2/L.652/Rev.l, E/ 3447, E/3644, E/CN.13/ 43, E/CN.13/45) : Consideration of the joint draft resolution.
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Meeting Records
UN Bodies > General Assembly > 2nd Committee
UN Bodies > General Assembly > 2nd Committee