General Assembly, 17th Session, Official Records, 2nd Committee, 857th Meeting, Monday, 3 Dec. 1962, New York
标题General Assembly, 17th Session, Official Records, 2nd Committee, 857th Meeting, Monday, 3 Dec. 1962, New York
获取English: A_C-2_SR-857-EN - PDF ; Español: A_C-2_SR-857-ES - PDF ; Français: A_C-2_SR-857-FR - PDF ;
日期[New York] : UN, Mar. 1963
4 p.
Agenda item 39: Pennanent sovereignty over natural resources (A/4905, A/5060, A/5225,A/AC.97/5/Rev.2 and Corr.1, A/C.2/L.654 and Corr.1, E/3511, E/L.914, E/L.915, E/L.918, E/L.919, E/SR.1177-1179, E/SR.1181) : Consideration of the draft resolution of the Commission on Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources.
Agenda item 35: Economic development of under-developed countries (A/5220) : (c) Industrial development and activities of the organs of the United Nations in the field of industrialization (A/C.2/L.658/Rev.1, E/3600/Rev.1, E/3656, E/3656/Add.1) : Consideration of the joint draft resolution concerning the role of the United Nations in training national technical personnel for the accelerated industrialization of the less developed countries.
Agenda item 35: Economic development of under-developed countries (A/5220) : (c) Industrial development and activities of the organs of the United Nations in the field of industrialization (A/C.2/L.658/Rev.1, E/3600/Rev.1, E/3656, E/3656/Add.1) : Consideration of the joint draft resolution concerning the role of the United Nations in training national technical personnel for the accelerated industrialization of the less developed countries.