Summary record of the 30th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 2 November 1989, New York, General Assembly, 44th session.
TitleSummary record of the 30th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 2 November 1989, New York, General Assembly, 44th session.
AccessEnglish: A_C.3_44_SR.30-EN - PDF ; Español: A_C.3_44_SR.30-ES - PDF ; Français: A_C.3_44_SR.30-FR - PDF ;
Call number
Action note1989-11-02
Agenda information
A/44/251 111a Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. DRUG TRAFFIC--TREATIES (1988)
A/44/251 111b International campaign against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. DRUG ABUSE--CAMPAIGNS
A/44/251 90a World social situation. SOCIAL CONDITIONS
A/44/251 90b Popular participation in its various forms as an important factor in development and in the full realization of all human rights. POPULAR PARTICIPATION
A/44/251 92 National experience in achieving far-reaching social and economic changes for the purpose of social progress. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT--NATIONAL PROGRAMMES
A/44/251 93 Policies and programmes involving youth. YOUTH
A/44/251 97 Interregional Consultation on Developmental Social Welfare Policies and Programmes. SOCIAL POLICY--CONSULTATIONS
A/44/251 99 Question of ageing. AGEING PERSONS
A/44/251 102 Crime prevention and criminal justice. CRIME PREVENTION
A/44/251 113 Families in the development process. FAMILY
A/44/251 101 Implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons and the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons. DISABLED PERSONS--PROGRAMMES OF ACTION
A/44/251 111b International campaign against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. DRUG ABUSE--CAMPAIGNS
A/44/251 90a World social situation. SOCIAL CONDITIONS
A/44/251 90b Popular participation in its various forms as an important factor in development and in the full realization of all human rights. POPULAR PARTICIPATION
A/44/251 92 National experience in achieving far-reaching social and economic changes for the purpose of social progress. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT--NATIONAL PROGRAMMES
A/44/251 93 Policies and programmes involving youth. YOUTH
A/44/251 97 Interregional Consultation on Developmental Social Welfare Policies and Programmes. SOCIAL POLICY--CONSULTATIONS
A/44/251 99 Question of ageing. AGEING PERSONS
A/44/251 102 Crime prevention and criminal justice. CRIME PREVENTION
A/44/251 113 Families in the development process. FAMILY
A/44/251 101 Implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons and the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons. DISABLED PERSONS--PROGRAMMES OF ACTION
Date[New York] : UN, 13 Nov. 1989.
10 p.
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Meeting Records
UN Bodies > General Assembly > 3rd Committee
UN Bodies > General Assembly > 3rd Committee