Background material prepared in the United Nations Secretariat for submission to the Working Group for Asia and the Far East of the Temporary Sub-Commission for Economic Reconstruction of Devastated Areas at its meeting at Lake Success on 14 February 1947, part II : country studies
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Условное обозначениеE/CN.1/SUB.1/C.2/W.1
ЗаглавиеBackground material prepared in the United Nations Secretariat for submission to the Working Group for Asia and the Far East of the Temporary Sub-Commission for Economic Reconstruction of Devastated Areas at its meeting at Lake Success on 14 February 1947, part II : country studies
ДоступEnglish: E_CN.1_SUB.1_C.2_W.1-EN - PDF ;
Дата[New York] : UN, 31 Jan. 1947
68 p.