Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
تفصيلات التسجيلة (السجل)
رمز / رقم الاستدعاءA/RES/70/41
العنوانImplementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
إمكانية الوصولEnglish: A_RES_70_41-EN - PDF ; Español: A_RES_70_41-ES - PDF ; Français: A_RES_70_41-FR - PDF ; Русский: A_RES_70_41-RU - PDF ; العربية: A_RES_70_41-AR - PDF ; 中文: A_RES_70_41-ZH - PDF ;
مذكرة عمل2015-12-07
ملخص التصويت
Adopted 174-0-4, 67th plenary meeting
تقرير اللجنةA/70/460
محضر الجلسة
معلومات عن جدول الأعمال
A/70/251 97l Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. CHEMICAL WEAPONS--TREATIES
تاريخ[New York] : UN, 11 Dec. 2015
5 p.
Issued in GAOR, 70th sess., Suppl. no. 49.