Draft report of the Committee on Invisibles and Financing related to Trade on the 2nd part of its 11th session, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 25 February to [8] March 1985.
TitleDraft report of the Committee on Invisibles and Financing related to Trade on the 2nd part of its 11th session, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 25 February to [8] March 1985.
Introduction - ch. 1. Requirements of an effective system of international financial co-operation : gross and net flows of financial resources for the development of developing countries - ch. 1B. Official development assistance - ch. 1C. Foreign private capital flows related to development.
AuthorsUNCTAD. Committee on Invisibles and Financing related to Trade (11th sess., 2nd pt. : 1985 : Geneva)
DateGeneva : UN, 7 Mar. 1985.
15 p.