Large-scale pelagic driftnet fishing and its impacts on the living marine resources of the world's oceans and seas : draft resolution / submitted by the Vice-Chairman of Committee, David Payton (New Zealand), on the basis of informal consultations held on revised draft resolutions A/C.2/44/L.28/Rev.1 and L.30/Rev.1.
TitleLarge-scale pelagic driftnet fishing and its impacts on the living marine resources of the world's oceans and seas : draft resolution / submitted by the Vice-Chairman of Committee, David Payton (New Zealand), on the basis of informal consultations held on revised draft resolutions A/C.2/44/L.28/Rev.1 and L.30/Rev.1.
AccessEnglish: A_C.2_44_L.81-EN - PDF ; Español: A_C.2_44_L.81-ES - PDF ; Français: A_C.2_44_L.81-FR - PDF ;
Agenda information
A/44/251 82 Development and international economic cooperation. ECONOMIC COOPERATION--DEVELOPMENT
A/44/251 82f Environment. ENVIRONMENT
A/44/251 82f Environment. ENVIRONMENT
Date[New York] : UN, 11 Dec. 1989.
4 p.