General Assembly, 29th session, 2nd committee : 1638th meeting, Monday, 25 November 1974, New York
TitleGeneral Assembly, 29th session, 2nd committee : 1638th meeting, Monday, 25 November 1974, New York
AccessEnglish: A_C-2_SR-1638-EN - PDF ;
Action note1974-11-25
Date[New York] : UN, 1975
7 p.
Tribute to the memory of U Thant, former Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Agenda item 48: Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States (A/9615, TD/B/ AC.12/3, TD/B/AC.12/4 and Corr.1, A/C.2/L.1386).
Agenda item 12: Report of the Economic and Social Council [chapters II, III (sections A to D), IV, VI (sections A to D and G) and VII (sections 1 to 3)] (A/9588, A/9592, A/9599, A/9633, A/9648, A/9649, A/9656, A/9699, A/9716 and Corr.1, A/9761, A/9813, A/9855, A/C.2/289, A/C.2/291, A/C.2/L.1342, E/5425 and Corr.1 and Add.1, E/5467, E/5473, E/5499, E/5501, E/5519, E/5585 and Corr.1, E/5587, E/C.8/21).
Organization of work.
Agenda item 48: Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States (A/9615, TD/B/ AC.12/3, TD/B/AC.12/4 and Corr.1, A/C.2/L.1386).
Agenda item 12: Report of the Economic and Social Council [chapters II, III (sections A to D), IV, VI (sections A to D and G) and VII (sections 1 to 3)] (A/9588, A/9592, A/9599, A/9633, A/9648, A/9649, A/9656, A/9699, A/9716 and Corr.1, A/9761, A/9813, A/9855, A/C.2/289, A/C.2/291, A/C.2/L.1342, E/5425 and Corr.1 and Add.1, E/5467, E/5473, E/5499, E/5501, E/5519, E/5585 and Corr.1, E/5587, E/C.8/21).
Organization of work.
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Meeting Records
UN Bodies > General Assembly > 2nd Committee
UN Bodies > General Assembly > 2nd Committee