Elements for a programme on the promotion of East-West-South trade / submitted by Bulgaria on behalf of participating States members of Group D (except Hungary).
TitleElements for a programme on the promotion of East-West-South trade / submitted by Bulgaria on behalf of participating States members of Group D (except Hungary).
Agenda information
TD/B/AC.45/1 4 Elaboration of elements of a draft programme for further promotion of trade and economic cooperation among countries having different systems, in particular East-South trade.
TD/B/AC.45/1 5 Recommendations to the Trade and Development Board as to the orientations of the research work of the secretariat, proposals for technical assistance activities and the treatment of specific issues to be included as elements of the programme.
TD/B/AC.45/1 5 Recommendations to the Trade and Development Board as to the orientations of the research work of the secretariat, proposals for technical assistance activities and the treatment of specific issues to be included as elements of the programme.
Programme for Further Promotion of Trade and Economic Cooperation among Countries with Different Economic and Social Systems (Proposed)
DateGeneva : UN, 29 Nov. 1989.
3 p.