Draft provisional agenda for the 1st special session of the Industrial Development Board as Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee for the Third General Conference of UNIDO, Vienna, 12 to 16 November 1979.
TitleDraft provisional agenda for the 1st special session of the Industrial Development Board as Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee for the Third General Conference of UNIDO, Vienna, 12 to 16 November 1979.
Agenda information
ID/B/213 15 Provisional agenda for the 14th session of the Industrial Development Board and of the 13th and 14th sessions of the Permanent Committee.
ID/B/213 16 Dates and places of the 14th session of the Industrial Development Board and of the 13th and 14th sessions of the Permanent Committee.
ID/B/213 16 Dates and places of the 14th session of the Industrial Development Board and of the 13th and 14th sessions of the Permanent Committee.
DateVienna :[...]
1 p.