General Assembly, 1st Committee : 135th meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Monday, 3 May 1948 = Assemblée générale : 1ère Commission : 135eme seance tenue à Lake Success, New York, le lundi 3 mai 1948
TitleGeneral Assembly, 1st Committee : 135th meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Monday, 3 May 1948 = Assemblée générale : 1ère Commission : 135eme seance tenue à Lake Success, New York, le lundi 3 mai 1948
Other titles
Assemblée générale : 1ère Commission : 135eme seance tenue à Lake Success, New York, le lundi 3 mai 1948
Action note1948-05-03
DateLake Success, New York : UN, 1948
[10] p.
Agenda item 21: Continuation of the discussion of the working paper circulated by the United States delegation (document A/C.1/277).
Title and text in English and French.
Title and text in English and French.
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Meeting Records
UN Bodies > General Assembly > 1st Committee
UN Bodies > General Assembly > 1st Committee