Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, Committee 5 : Immunities and privileges granted to the organization, to representative of the members, and to the officials in accordance with the contitutions of the International Monetary Fund - the International Bank of Recontruction and Development - United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation and Administration - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - and European Central Inland Transport Organization
TitlePreparatory Commission of the United Nations, Committee 5 : Immunities and privileges granted to the organization, to representative of the members, and to the officials in accordance with the contitutions of the International Monetary Fund - the International Bank of Recontruction and Development - United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation and Administration - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - and European Central Inland Transport Organization
AccessEnglish: PC_LEG_7-EN - PDF ;
Date[San Francisco] ; [London] : UN, 27 Nov.1945
14 p.