Полное описание
Условное обозначениеA/DEC/67/547
ЗаглавиеGroups of countries in special situations
Примечание о мероприятии2012-12-21
Итоги голосования
Adopted, 61st plenary meeting
Соответствующий ресурсA/67/49 (Vol. II)
Отчет о заседании
Повестка дня
A/67/251 23 Groups of countries in special situations.
A/67/251 23a Follow-up to the 4th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries. LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES--CONFERENCES
A/67/251 23b Specific actions related to the particular needs and problems of landlocked developing countries : outcome of the International Ministerial Conference of Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries and Donor Countries and International Financial and Development Institutions on Transit Transport Cooperation. LANDLOCKED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES--CONFERENCES
A/67/251 23a Follow-up to the 4th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries. LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES--CONFERENCES
A/67/251 23b Specific actions related to the particular needs and problems of landlocked developing countries : outcome of the International Ministerial Conference of Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries and Donor Countries and International Financial and Development Institutions on Transit Transport Cooperation. LANDLOCKED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES--CONFERENCES
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 67th session - Volume 2, Decisions, 18 September - 24 December 2012 - A/67/49(Vol.II) - 2013 - p. 23 - (GAOR, 67th sess., Suppl. no. 49).