Documentation considered by the Economic and Social Council in connection with the reports of the Executive Boards of the United Nations Development Programme/United Nations Population Fund/United Nations Office for Project Services, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and the World Food Programme
TitleDocumentation considered by the Economic and Social Council in connection with the reports of the Executive Boards of the United Nations Development Programme/United Nations Population Fund/United Nations Office for Project Services, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and the World Food Programme
Action note2012-07-17
Vote summary
Adopted without vote, 49th plenary meeting
Related resourceE/2012/99
In: Resolutions and Decisions of the Economic and Social Council, organizational session for 2012, New York, 10 Jan. and 7–10 Feb. 2012; resumed organizational session for 2012, New York, 26 and 27 April and 7 June 2012; substantive session of 2012, New York, 2–27 July 2012; resumed substantive session of 2012, New York, 24 Sept., 22 Oct., 26 Nov. and 20 Dec. 2012 and 28 Jan. 2013 - E/2012/99 - 2013 - p. 103.