Strengthening international co-operation on the environment : provision of additional financial resources to developing countries.
Detalles de los registros
TítuloStrengthening international co-operation on the environment : provision of additional financial resources to developing countries.
AccesoEnglish: E_RES_1989_101-EN - PDF ; Español: E_RES_1989_101-ES - PDF ; Français: E_RES_1989_101-FR - PDF ; Русский: E_RES_1989_101-RU - PDF ; العربية: E_RES_1989_101-AR - PDF ; 中文: E_RES_1989_101-ZH - PDF ;
Concludes that increasing attention needs to be paid to the provision of new and additional financial resources to developing countries for environmental programmes and projects so as to ensure that their development priorities are not adversely affected and that such provision should be kept under more effective and continuous review; recommends that, during the preparatory process for the proposed UN conference on environment and development and at the proposed conference itself, careful consideration should be given to this question with a view to enabling the conference to establish modalities for effective monitoring or review, in order to provide a factual basis for promoting appropriate action.
Nota sobre el evento1989-07-27
Resúmen de la votación
Adopted without vote, 36th meeting
Información del programaE/1989/100 7f Environment. ENVIRONMENT
Adopted at the 36th plenary meeting, 27 July 1989.
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its 2nd regular session of 1989, Geneva, 5-28 July 1989. - E/1989/INF/10. - 29 Aug. 1989. - p. 38-39. - Issued in ESCOR, 1989, Suppl. no. 1A.
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its 2nd regular session of 1989, Geneva, 5-28 July 1989. - E/1989/INF/10. - 29 Aug. 1989. - p. 38-39. - Issued in ESCOR, 1989, Suppl. no. 1A.