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Условное обозначениеFCCC/AWGLCA/2012/CRP.7
ЗаглавиеSubmission from the African States
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FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/1 3 Preparation of an agreed comprehensive and balanced outcome to be presented to the Conference of the Parties for adoption at its 18th session, to enable the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention through long-term cooperative action now, up to and beyond 2012, pursuant to decision 1/CP.13, taking into account decisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its 16th and 17th sessions and recognizing that the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention includes both implementation tasks and issues that are still to be concluded.
FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/1 3b(i) Measurable, reportable and verifiable nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or actions, including quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives, by all developed country Parties, while ensuring the comparability of efforts among them, taking into account differences in their national circumstances.
FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/1 3b(i) Measurable, reportable and verifiable nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or actions, including quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives, by all developed country Parties, while ensuring the comparability of efforts among them, taking into account differences in their national circumstances.
ДатаGeneva : [UN], 28 Nov. 2012
3 p.
English only.