Resolution 1964 (2010) / adopted by the Security Council at its 6461st meeting, on 22 December 2010
Полное описание
Условное обозначениеS/RES/1964(2010)
ЗаглавиеResolution 1964 (2010) / adopted by the Security Council at its 6461st meeting, on 22 December 2010
Другие заглавия
Security Council resolution 1964 (2010) [on authorization to the Member States of the African Union to maintain the deployment until 30 Sept. 2011 of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)]
ДоступEnglish: S_RES_1964(2010)-EN - PDF ; Español: S_RES_1964(2010)-ES - PDF ; Français: S_RES_1964(2010)-FR - PDF ; Other: S_RES_1964(2010)-DE - PDF ; Русский: S_RES_1964(2010)-RU - PDF ; العربية: S_RES_1964(2010)-AR - PDF ; 中文: S_RES_1964(2010)-ZH - PDF ;
Decides to authorize the member States of the African Union to maintain the deployment until 30 Sept. 2011 of AMISOM, which shall be authorized to take all necessary measures to carry out its existing mandate as set out in para. 9 of resolution 1772 (2007); requests the African Union to maintain AMISOM's deployment in Somalia, and to increase its force strength from the current mandated strength of 8,000 troops to 12,000 troops, thereby enhancing its ability to carry out its mandate; requests the Secretary-General to continue to provide technical and expert advice to the African Union in the planning and deployment of AMISOM, through the UN Office to the African Union, including the revised AMISOM Concept of Operations for future activities; requests the Secretary-General to continue to provide a logistical support package for AMISOM called for by resolution 1863 (2009) for a maximum of 12,000 AMISOM troops, comprising equipment and services; requests the Secretary-General to continue to assist the Transitional Federal Government in developing the transitional security institutions, including the Somali Police Force, and the National Security Force, and to continue to support the Transitional Federal Government in developing a national security strategy.
Примечание о мероприятии2010-12-22
Итоги голосования
Adopted unanimously, 6461st meeting
Отчет о заседании
Дата[New York] : UN, 22 Dec. 2010
5 p.
Issued in: Resolutions and decisions of the Security Council, 1 August 2010-31 July 2011 - S/INF/66 - (SCOR, 66th year).