Groups of countries in special situations : specific actions related to the particular needs and problems of landlocked developing countries : outcome of the International Ministerial Conference of Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries and Donor Countries and International Financial and Development Institutions on Transit Transport Cooperation : draft resolution / Yemen [on behalf the Group of 77 and China]
标题Groups of countries in special situations : specific actions related to the particular needs and problems of landlocked developing countries : outcome of the International Ministerial Conference of Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries and Donor Countries and International Financial and Development Institutions on Transit Transport Cooperation : draft resolution / Yemen [on behalf the Group of 77 and China]
获取English: A_C.2_65_L.8-EN - PDF ; Español: A_C.2_65_L.8-ES - PDF ; Français: A_C.2_65_L.8-FR - PDF ; Русский: A_C.2_65_L.8-RU - PDF ; العربية: A_C.2_65_L.8-AR - PDF ; 中文: A_C.2_65_L.8-ZH - PDF ;
日期[New York] : UN, 20 Oct. 2010
6 p.
The draft resolution was withdrawn by its sponsors in the light of the adoption of draft resolution A/C.2/65/L.47 (A/65/439/Add.2).