Gender equality, women's empowerment not only just, but 'vital' to achieving anti-poverty goals, says Deputy Secretary-General to Copenhagen Conference : [remarks to the MDG-3 Conference on Women's Empowerment and Employment, in Copenhagen, 25 March] / [by the UN Deputy Secretary-General]
TitleGender equality, women's empowerment not only just, but 'vital' to achieving anti-poverty goals, says Deputy Secretary-General to Copenhagen Conference : [remarks to the MDG-3 Conference on Women's Empowerment and Employment, in Copenhagen, 25 March] / [by the UN Deputy Secretary-General]
AuthorsUN. Deputy Secretary-General
DateNew York : UN Dept. of Public Information, 25 Mar. 2010
4 p.
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Press releases
UN Bodies > Secretariat
UN Bodies > Secretariat