Human rights and cultural diversity : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
TitleHuman rights and cultural diversity : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
AccessEnglish: A_RES_64_174-EN - PDF ; Español: A_RES_64_174-ES - PDF ; Français: A_RES_64_174-FR - PDF ; Other: A_RES_64_174-DE - PDF ; Русский: A_RES_64_174-RU - PDF ; العربية: A_RES_64_174-AR - PDF ; 中文: A_RES_64_174-ZH - PDF ;
Affirms the importance for all peoples and nations to hold, develop and preserve their cultural heritage and traditions in a national and international atmosphere of peace, tolerance and mutual respect; affirms that the international community should strive to respond to the challenges and opportunities posed by globalization in a manner that ensures respect for the cultural diversity of all; urges all actors on the international scene to build an international order based on inclusion, justice, equality and equity, human dignity, mutual understanding and promotion of and respect for cultural diversity and universal human rights, and to reject all doctrines of exclusion based on racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance; urges States to ensure that their political and legal systems reflect the multicultural diversity within their societies and, where necessary, to improve democratic institutions so that they are more fully participatory and avoid marginalization and exclusion of, and discrimination against, specific sectors of society; requests the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to continue to bear in mind fully the issues raised in the present resolution in the course of its activities for the promotion and protection of human rights; also requests the Office of the High Commissioner and invites the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to support initiatives aimed at promoting intercultural dialogue on human rights; urges relevant international organizations to conduct studies on how respect for cultural diversity contributes to fostering international solidarity and cooperation among all nations.
Action note2009-12-18
Vote summary
Adopted 126-52-5, 65th plenary meeting
Committee reportA/64/439/Add.2(PartII)
Meeting record
Date[New York] : UN, 24 Mar. 2010
5 p.
Issued in GAOR, 64th sess., Suppl. no. 49.