Deputy Secretary-General, in remarks to joint meeting of European Parliament Committees, hails 'shared efforts' of United Nations, European Commission : [remarks, to the Extraordinary Joint Meeting of the European Parliament Committees on Foreign Affairs and Development, Brussels, 12 October 2009] / [by the UN Deputy Secretary-General]
TitleDeputy Secretary-General, in remarks to joint meeting of European Parliament Committees, hails 'shared efforts' of United Nations, European Commission : [remarks, to the Extraordinary Joint Meeting of the European Parliament Committees on Foreign Affairs and Development, Brussels, 12 October 2009] / [by the UN Deputy Secretary-General]
AuthorsUN. Deputy Secretary-General
DateNew York : UN Dept. of Public Information, 14 Oct. 2009
4 p.
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Press releases
UN Bodies > Secretariat
UN Bodies > Secretariat