Report on the implementation of the workplan for 2007-2009, including an overview of contributions and expenditures : Economic Commission for Europe, Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes : note / by the Secretariat
TitleReport on the implementation of the workplan for 2007-2009, including an overview of contributions and expenditures : Economic Commission for Europe, Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes : note / by the Secretariat
AccessEnglish: [E_]ECE_MP.WAT_2009_2-EN - PDF ; Français: [E_]ECE_MP.WAT_2009_2-FR - PDF ; Русский: [E_]ECE_MP.WAT_2009_2-RU - PDF ;
Informs the Meeting of the Parties about the implementation of the work plan 2007-2009 by the Working Group on Integrated Water Resources Management, Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment, Legal Board, Bureau and various task forces and expert groups, as well as the Secretariat; also informs about financial contributions to the Trust Fund and the use of these and other extrabudgetary resources for programme implementation.
AuthorsUN. ECE. Secretariat
Agenda information
[E/]ECE/MP.WAT/28 5 Integrated management of water and related ecosystems.
[E/]ECE/MP.WAT/28 6 Monitoring and assessment of transboundary waters.
[E/]ECE/MP.WAT/28 9 Technical assistance and implementation projects.
[E/]ECE/MP.WAT/28 12 Partners in cooperation.
[E/]ECE/MP.WAT/28 6 Monitoring and assessment of transboundary waters.
[E/]ECE/MP.WAT/28 9 Technical assistance and implementation projects.
[E/]ECE/MP.WAT/28 12 Partners in cooperation.
DateGeneva : UN, 31 Aug. 2009
24 p. : tables
Includes bibliographical references.