Deputy Secretary-General spells out funding priorities for Africa, least developed countries at side event of conference on global financial crisis : [remarks to the General Assembly conference side event : "Recovering from Global Crisis : Towards an Action Plan for Africa and the Least Developed Countries", New York, 25 June 2009] / [by the Deputy Secretary-General]
TitleDeputy Secretary-General spells out funding priorities for Africa, least developed countries at side event of conference on global financial crisis : [remarks to the General Assembly conference side event : "Recovering from Global Crisis : Towards an Action Plan for Africa and the Least Developed Countries", New York, 25 June 2009] / [by the Deputy Secretary-General]
AuthorsUN. Deputy Secretary-General
DateNew York : UN Dept. of Public Information, 1 July 2009
3 p.
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Press releases
UN Bodies > Secretariat
UN Bodies > Secretariat