Proposal for corrigendum 2 to supplement 12 to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation no. 7, Front and rear position (side) lamps, stop lamps and end-outline marker lamps / submitted by the Working Party on Lighting and Light-signalling (GRE)
TitleProposal for corrigendum 2 to supplement 12 to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation no. 7, Front and rear position (side) lamps, stop lamps and end-outline marker lamps / submitted by the Working Party on Lighting and Light-signalling (GRE)
AccessEnglish: [E_]ECE_TRANS_WP.29_2009_14-EN - PDF ; Français: [E_]ECE_TRANS_WP.29_2009_14-FR - PDF ; Русский: [E_]ECE_TRANS_WP.29_2009_14-RU - PDF ;
Agenda information
[E/]ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1071 4 1958 Agreement.
[E/]ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1071 4.2 Consideration of draft amendments to existing Regulations.
[E/]ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1071 4.2 Consideration of draft amendments to existing Regulations.
DateGeneva : UN, 17 Dec. 2008
2 p. : table
Adopted by GRE at its 60th session; based on document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2008/47.