Report of the joint session : Economic Commission for Europe, Timber Committee, 66th session, Rome, 21-24 October 2008 ; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, European Forestry Commission, 34th session, Rome, 21-24 October 2008
TitleReport of the joint session : Economic Commission for Europe, Timber Committee, 66th session, Rome, 21-24 October 2008 ; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, European Forestry Commission, 34th session, Rome, 21-24 October 2008
AccessEnglish: ECE_TIM_2008_9&FO__EFC_2008_REP&^E_ECE_TIM_^FO__EFC_2008_REP&^E_^ECE_TIM_2008_9-EN - PDF ; Français: ECE_TIM_2008_9&FO__EFC_2008_REP&^E_ECE_TIM_^FO__EFC_2008_REP&^E_^ECE_TIM_2008_9-FR - PDF ; Русский: ECE_TIM_2008_9&FO__EFC_2008_REP&^E_ECE_TIM_^FO__EFC_2008_REP&^E_^ECE_TIM_2008_9-RU - PDF ;
AuthorsUN. ECE. Timber Committee (66th sess. : 2008 : Rome)
European Forestry Commission (34th sess. : 2008 : Rome)
European Forestry Commission (34th sess. : 2008 : Rome)
DateGeneva : UN, 9 Feb. 2009
19 p. : tables
Annexes (p. 11-19): 1. Chairs' summaries of plenary sessions -- 2. List of policy dialogues and partner events during the European Forest Week -- 3. List of speakers during the European Forest Week.