Protection of global climate for present and future generations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
TitleProtection of global climate for present and future generations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
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Stresses the seriousness of climate change, and calls upon States to work cooperatively towards achieving the ultimate objective of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change through the urgent implementation of its provisions; urges parties to the Convention, and invites parties to the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, to continue to make use of the information contained in the 4th assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in their work; recognizes the need to provide financial and technical resources, as well as capacity-building and access to and transfer of technology, to assist those developing countries adversely affected by climate change; calls upon the international community to fulfil the commitments made during the 4th replenishment of the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund; invites the conferences of the parties to the multilateral environmental conventions, when setting the dates of their meetings, to take into consideration the schedule of meetings of the General Assembly and the Commission on Sustainable Development so as to ensure the adequate representation of developing countries at those meetings.
Action note2008-11-26
Vote summary
Adopted without vote, 60th plenary meeting
Committee reportA/63/414/Add.4
Meeting record
Agenda information
A/63/251 49d Protection of global climate for present and future generations of mankind. CLIMATE
Date[New York] : UN, 3 Apr. 2009
5 p.
Issued in GAOR, 63rd sess., Suppl. no. 49.