Plans to strengthen system-wide coherence in United Nations development programmes described by Deputy Secretary-General at Santiago regional meeting : [remarks, on "Initiatives to Strengthen the Developement Pillar and System -Wide Coherence" (delivered at the annual meeting of the Regional Coordination Mechanism in Latin America and the Caribbean Region), 3 November 2008] / [by the Deputy Secretary-General]
TitlePlans to strengthen system-wide coherence in United Nations development programmes described by Deputy Secretary-General at Santiago regional meeting : [remarks, on "Initiatives to Strengthen the Developement Pillar and System -Wide Coherence" (delivered at the annual meeting of the Regional Coordination Mechanism in Latin America and the Caribbean Region), 3 November 2008] / [by the Deputy Secretary-General]
AuthorsUN. Deputy Secretary-General
DateNew York : UN Dept. of Public Information, 6 Nov. 2008
3 p.
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Press releases
UN Bodies > Secretariat
UN Bodies > Secretariat