Global food, energy, financial crises highlight urgent need to strengthen UN development pillar, Deputy Secretary-General tells 5th Committee : [remarks, presenting the UN Secretary-General's proposal on strengthening the Organization's development pillar, to the 5th Committee (Administrative and Budgetary), 14 October 2008] / [by the Deputy Secretary-General]
TitleGlobal food, energy, financial crises highlight urgent need to strengthen UN development pillar, Deputy Secretary-General tells 5th Committee : [remarks, presenting the UN Secretary-General's proposal on strengthening the Organization's development pillar, to the 5th Committee (Administrative and Budgetary), 14 October 2008] / [by the Deputy Secretary-General]
AuthorsUN. Deputy Secretary-General
DateNew York : UN Dept. of Public Information, 14 Oct. 2008
3 p.