Annotations to the Declaration on the Right to Development and related United Nations System instruments, resolutions and reports / prepared for the Centre for Human Rights by Tamara Kunanayakam
TitleAnnotations to the Declaration on the Right to Development and related United Nations System instruments, resolutions and reports / prepared for the Centre for Human Rights by Tamara Kunanayakam
AccessEnglish: [ST_]HR_RD_1990_CONF.1-EN - PDF ;
AuthorsKunanayakam, Tamara
Meeting name
DateGeneva : UN, Centre for Human Rights, 1990
iii, 76 p.
At head of title: Global Consultation on the Realization of the Right to Development as a Human Right, Geneva, 8-12 January 1990.
"This paper contains an annotated bibliography of the major sources from within the United Nations System of the key principles reflected in the DRD".
"This paper contains an annotated bibliography of the major sources from within the United Nations System of the key principles reflected in the DRD".