Reports of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations on its 144th session, 11-14 March 2008 ; Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement on its 38th session, 13 March 2008 ; Executive Committee of [the] 1998 Agreement on its 22nd session, 13 and 14 March 2008
TitleReports of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations on its 144th session, 11-14 March 2008 ; Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement on its 38th session, 13 March 2008 ; Executive Committee of [the] 1998 Agreement on its 22nd session, 13 and 14 March 2008
AccessEnglish: ^E_^ECE_TRANS_WP-29_1066-EN - PDF ; Français: ^E_^ECE_TRANS_WP-29_1066-FR - PDF ; Русский: ^E_^ECE_TRANS_WP-29_1066-RU - PDF ;
AuthorsUN. ECE. World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (144th sess. : 2008 : Geneva)
UN. ECE. Administrative Committee (AC.1) of the Amended 1958 Agreement (38th sess. : 2008 : Geneva)
UN. ECE. Executive Committee of the 1998 Global Agreement (22nd sess. : 2008 : Geneva)
UN. ECE. Administrative Committee (AC.1) of the Amended 1958 Agreement (38th sess. : 2008 : Geneva)
UN. ECE. Executive Committee of the 1998 Global Agreement (22nd sess. : 2008 : Geneva)
DateGeneva : UN, 1 Apr. 2008
31 p. : tables
Annexes (p. 24-31): 1. List of informal documents no. WP.29-144... distributed without a symbol during the 144th session -- 2. Status of the 1998 Agreement : priorities and proposals -- 3. Amendments to draft Global Technical Regulation on head restraints : statement of technical rationale and justification.