Progress report on the implementation of the recommendations contained in the evaluation of UNCTAD's trade-related technical assistance and capacity-building on accession to the World Trade Organization : note / by the Secretariat
TitleProgress report on the implementation of the recommendations contained in the evaluation of UNCTAD's trade-related technical assistance and capacity-building on accession to the World Trade Organization : note / by the Secretariat
AccessEnglish: TD_B_WP_205-EN - PDF ; Español: TD_B_WP_205-ES - PDF ; Français: TD_B_WP_205-FR - PDF ; Русский: TD_B_WP_205-RU - PDF ; العربية: TD_B_WP_205-AR - PDF ; 中文: TD_B_WP_205-ZH - PDF ;
AuthorsUNCTAD. Secretariat
Agenda information
TD/B/WP/201 6 Evaluation of technical cooperation activities.
TD/B/WP/201 6b Progress report on UNCTAD's trade-related technical assistance and capacity-building on accession to the World Trade Organization.
TD/B/WP/201 6b Progress report on UNCTAD's trade-related technical assistance and capacity-building on accession to the World Trade Organization.
DateGeneva : UN, 23 July 2008
3 p. : table