Draft work plan of implementation for Phase II of the UNECE Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development (2008-2010) : note / by the Secretariat
TitleDraft work plan of implementation for Phase II of the UNECE Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development (2008-2010) : note / by the Secretariat
AccessEnglish: [E_]ECE_CEP_AC.13_2008_5-EN - PDF ; Français: [E_]ECE_CEP_AC.13_2008_5-FR - PDF ; Русский: [E_]ECE_CEP_AC.13_2008_5-RU - PDF ;
AuthorsUN. ECE. Secretariat
Agenda information
[E/]ECE/CEP/AC.13/2008/1 6 Draft work plan of implementation for Phase II of the UNECE Strategy for ESD (2008-2010).
DateGeneva : UN, 1 Feb. 2008
17 p. : charts, tables
Annexes (p. 11-17): 1. Tentative timeline for implementation of the work plan -- 2. Proposed timeline for reporting -- 3. UNECE Education for Sustainable Development Programme : contributions, incurred expenses and estimated resource requirements -- 4. The proposed additional features for the UNECE website dedication to Education for Sustainable Development.