Programme of work and its evaluation : 2010-2011 : draft strategic framework and evaluation plans for the 2008-2009 biennium : Economic Commission for Europe, Committee on Trade : note / by the Secretariat
TitleProgramme of work and its evaluation : 2010-2011 : draft strategic framework and evaluation plans for the 2008-2009 biennium : Economic Commission for Europe, Committee on Trade : note / by the Secretariat
AccessEnglish: [E_]ECE_TRADE_C_2007_14-EN - PDF ; Français: [E_]ECE_TRADE_C_2007_14-FR - PDF ; Русский: [E_]ECE_TRADE_C_2007_14-RU - PDF ;
Gives an overview of the planned performance assessments and self-evaluations for the Trade subprogramme.
AuthorsUN. ECE. Secretariat
Agenda information
[E/]ECE/TRADE/C/2007/1 6 Programme of work and its evaluation.
[E/]ECE/TRADE/C/2007/1 6a Programme of work.
[E/]ECE/TRADE/C/2007/1 6b Evaluation.
[E/]ECE/TRADE/C/2007/1 6a Programme of work.
[E/]ECE/TRADE/C/2007/1 6b Evaluation.
DateGeneva : UN, 18 Sept. 2007
9 p. : tables
Annexes (p. 5-9): 1. Expected accomplishments and indicators of achievement for the Trade subprogramme, per cluster of activities, for the purpose of 2008-2009 biennial performance evaluations -- 2. Proposed strategic framework for the period 2010-2011.