United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations.
TitleUnited Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations.
AccessEnglish: A_RES_38_139-EN - PDF ; Español: A_RES_38_139-ES - PDF ; Français: A_RES_38_139-FR - PDF ; Русский: A_RES_38_139-RU - PDF ; العربية: A_RES_38_139-AR - PDF ; 中文: A_RES_38_139-ZH - PDF ;
Call number
Action note1983-12-19
Date[New York] : UN, 1 Feb. 1984.
2 p.
Adopted at the 101st plenary meeting, 19 Dec. 1983.
In: Resolutions and decisions adpoted by the General Assembly during its 38th session, 20 September-20 December 1983 and 26 June 1984. - A/38/47. - 1984. - p. 273. - (GAOR, 38th sess., Suppl. no. 47).
In: Resolutions and decisions adpoted by the General Assembly during its 38th session, 20 September-20 December 1983 and 26 June 1984. - A/38/47. - 1984. - p. 273. - (GAOR, 38th sess., Suppl. no. 47).