Progress report on the implementation of recommendations by the independent external evaluation of the Courses on Key Issues on the International Economic Agenda : note / by the Secretariat
TitleProgress report on the implementation of recommendations by the independent external evaluation of the Courses on Key Issues on the International Economic Agenda : note / by the Secretariat
Agenda information
TD/B/WP/194 4 Evaluation of technical cooperation activities : in-depth evaluation of UNCTAD's advisory services on investment.
DateGeneva : [UN], 14 Aug. 2007
10 p. : table
Reports on the implementation of recommendations between Oct. 2006 and July 2007.
Annexes (p. 8-10): 1. Summary of regional courses on key international economic issues, June 2006-July 2007 -- 2. Summary of short courses for Geneva-based permanent missions, February-July 2007.
English only.
Annexes (p. 8-10): 1. Summary of regional courses on key international economic issues, June 2006-July 2007 -- 2. Summary of short courses for Geneva-based permanent missions, February-July 2007.
English only.