Transport of 45 ft long ISO containers on the European road network : note / by the Secretariat
TitleTransport of 45 ft long ISO containers on the European road network : note / by the Secretariat
AccessEnglish: ^E_^ECE_TRANS_WP-24_2007_6-EN - PDF ; Français: ^E_^ECE_TRANS_WP-24_2007_6-FR - PDF ; Русский: ^E_^ECE_TRANS_WP-24_2007_6-RU - PDF ;
Transmits questionnaire circulated to UNECE member countries in order to determine whether they would allow the transport of 45 ft long ISO containers on their national road network.
AuthorsUN. ECE. Secretariat
Agenda information
[E/]ECE/TRANS/WP.24/116 9 Monitoring of weights and dimensions of loading units in intermodal transport.
[E/]ECE/TRANS/WP.24/116 9a Transport of 45 ft long ISO containers on the European road network.
[E/]ECE/TRANS/WP.24/116 9a Transport of 45 ft long ISO containers on the European road network.
DateGeneva : UN, 20 July 2007
3 p. : form