Eighty second meeting, held at Palais de Chaillot, Paris, on Saturday, 23 October 1948 : [6th Committee, General Assembly, 3rd session] = Quatre vingt deuxième séance, tenue à Palais de Chaillot, Paris, le samedi 23 octobre 1948
تفصيلات التسجيلة (السجل)
رمز / رقم الاستدعاءA/C.6/SR.82
العنوانEighty second meeting, held at Palais de Chaillot, Paris, on Saturday, 23 October 1948 : [6th Committee, General Assembly, 3rd session] = Quatre vingt deuxième séance, tenue à Palais de Chaillot, Paris, le samedi 23 octobre 1948
عناوين أخرى
Quatre vingt deuxième séance, tenue à Palais de Chaillot, Paris, le samedi 23 octobre 1948
82nd meeting, held at Palais de Chaillot, Paris, on Saturday, 23 October 1948 : [6th Committee, General Assembly, 3rd session]
82nd meeting, held at Palais de Chaillot, Paris, on Saturday, 23 October 1948 : [6th Committee, General Assembly, 3rd session]
رقم الطلب
مذكرة عمل1948-10-23
Text also in French.
In: Official Records of 1st Part of the 3rd session the General Assembly, 6th Committee, Legal questions, summary record of meetings, 21 Sept.-10 Dec. 1948, 61st-140th meetings - [1948] - p. 182-191 (GAOR, 3rd sess., 6th Committee).
In: Official Records of 1st Part of the 3rd session the General Assembly, 6th Committee, Legal questions, summary record of meetings, 21 Sept.-10 Dec. 1948, 61st-140th meetings - [1948] - p. 182-191 (GAOR, 3rd sess., 6th Committee).