Report of the International Civil Service Commission for the year 2006
TitleReport of the International Civil Service Commission for the year 2006
AccessEnglish: A_61_30-EN - PDF ; Español: A_61_30-ES - PDF ; Français: A_61_30-FR - PDF ; Русский: A_61_30-RU - PDF ; العربية: A_61_30-AR - PDF ; 中文: A_61_30-ZH - PDF ;
Call number
Agenda information
A/61/251 125 United Nations common system. PERSONNEL QUESTIONS--UN SYSTEM
DateNew York : UN, 2006
xix, 58 p. : tables
Annexes (p. 47-58): 1. Programme of work of the International Civil Service Commission for 2007-2008 -- 2. Proposed revisions of education grant and boarding costs levels -- 3. Comparison of average net remuneration of UN officials in the Professional and higher categories in New York and United States officials in Washington D.C., by equivalent grades (margin for calendar year 2006) -- 4. Salary scale for staff in the Professional and higher categories, showing annual gross salaries and net equivalents after application of staff assessment (effective 1 January 2007) -- 5. Recommended amounts of children's and secondary dependant's allowances for Profesional and higher categories (effective 1 January 2007) -- 6. Recommended net annual salary scale for the General Service and related categories in Rome -- 7. Recommended net annual salary scale for the General Service and related categories in New York -- 8. Terms of reference of the Working Group on Entitlements of Internationally Recruited Staff Serving in Non-Family Duty Stations -- 9. Criteria for employment of National Professional Officers, 2006.
Includes glossary.
Includes notes.
Includes glossary.
Includes notes.