In period of sharply increasing intolerance, extremism, Conference of Interfaith cooperation can urge governments to take stronger steps, Secretary-General says : [message, to the High-Level Conference on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace, 21 September 2006] / [on behalf of the UN Secretary-General by the Assistant Secretary-General Peacebuilding Support Office]
TitleIn period of sharply increasing intolerance, extremism, Conference of Interfaith cooperation can urge governments to take stronger steps, Secretary-General says : [message, to the High-Level Conference on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace, 21 September 2006] / [on behalf of the UN Secretary-General by the Assistant Secretary-General Peacebuilding Support Office]
AuthorsAnnan, Kofi, 1938-2018
UN. Secretary-General
UN. Peacebuilding Support Office. Assistant Secretary-General
UN. Secretary-General
UN. Peacebuilding Support Office. Assistant Secretary-General
DateNew York : UN Dept. of Public Information, 21 Sept. 2006
[1] p.
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Press releases
UN Bodies > Secretariat
UN Bodies > Secretariat